Nov. 8, 2017

Good morning,

Remember there is a canned food driving going on right now.  The grade with the most items will earn an extra recess, so get those items here for 4th grade.

Also, there is not a pep rally this week due to the game being so far away and the boys leaving early.

Please remember to check your child’s planner everyday.  That is our best line of communication.  If your child is not bringing it home or showing it to you, it may be because there is a note they may not want you to see. Call or email their teacher if you aren’t seeing the planner!

Thanks for all your support!

October 11, 2017

Thursday we are having a Reading Common Assessment.  Remember to eat a good breakfast!

Friday we are having a DEAR Day where we drop everything and read.  Students can bring a beach towel, a healthy snack, and lots of reading material.  We are going to read and relax after our test day.

We are almost finished with our novel, Because of Winn Dixie.  With this novel, students have learned theme, point of view, predicting and make inferencing.  We will be watching the movie next week to compare and contrast the book to the movie.

Remember next Friday, October 20th is a holiday for students.

The week of October 23rd will be Red Ribbon Week so there will be lots of fun activities going on that week.

Sept. 19, 2017

Once Upon A Time…there was a 4th grade class reading Fairy Tales!  That would be us!  We began our Fairy Tale unit on Monday and will continue it throughout next week.   Our goals are to compare/contrast the characters, make inferences and predictions, and possible write our own silly fairy tales.

We are continuing to read Because of Winn Dixie, also.  We will also be analyzing characters and practice visualizing what is happening in each chapter.

We have library this Friday so encourage your children to finish those books and be ready to turn them in!

Sept. 11, 2017

Listed below are a list of the current vocabulary words we are working on:

  1.  immediately – right away
  2. missionary – someone who preaches in a foreign country
  3. distracted – too busy to pay attention
  4. fortunate – lucky, well off
  5. constellations – patterns made by the stars
  6. congregation – people who are part of a church

The next list we will begin to work on later in the week is listed below:

  1.  positive – certain
  2. grand – wonderful
  3. expensive – costly
  4. irritating – annoying
  5. trustworthy – honest
  6. identical – alike

We will be matching the words with the definitions, illustrating the words, and playing charades with the words.

Sept. 11, 2017

Just a quick reminder about out field trip tomorrow, Sept. 12.  If your child has not brought their $5.00 or permission form please have them bring it tomorrow!!!

Also, many students are not returning their Reading logs completed on Fridays.  If logs are not turned in on Fridays, students will have to sit during recess and fun Friday to read.  This Reading Log is a weekly homework assignment that is helping them to be better/stronger readers.  Please encourage them to be responsible and read each night for 20 minutes.

Thank you!!!