Nov. 12, 2018

Students will not be required to fill out a Reading Log this week.

Also, if your child earned the chance to ride on the party bus for the fundraiser, that will be happening on Wednesday.  I will be riding the bus with them to Chickfila.

Also, items for the fundraiser will need to be picked up on Thursday.

Last week before Thanksgiving!  I am thankful for a week off to relax and spend time with family.

Sept. 10, 2018

Today is the first day for Reading Logs to be sent home.  They are due on Friday.  Students should have a library book that is coming home each night, also.  If not, they can read another book they have at home.  Even if students miss a night of reading, I always tell them to turn in their Reading Log anyway or double up on their reading the next night.

Something is better than nothing!!! Just READ!

May 7, 2018

I just wanted to send a reminder about a few important dates and events coming up.

Next Monday and Tuesday will be STAAR testing days, so no visitors at lunch and be sure students are here on time those days.

Next Friday, May 18th, will be our 4th grade trip to the Splash Pad.  Students who have received discipline marks will sit out 5 minutes for each mark.  Students who have had an office referral or ISS will not be allowed to go.  On Skyward, their conduct grade will reflect how many marks they have received.  One mark equals one point deducted from conduct grade.

Tuesday, May 22nd, will be 4th grade awards day.  That will also be an early release day.

Wednesday, May 23rd, will also be an early release day and the last day of school.

This year has flown by.  I can’t believe we only have a few more days till summer!

April 10, 2018

Due to 5th grade STAAR testing tomorrow next door to my classroom we have to be VERY quiet, so my Reading classes will have a DEAR Day.  Students can bring a small blanket or beach towel, small pillow or stuffed animal, lots of books to read,  and a non messy snack/drink.


Dec. 19, 2017

Thank you to everyone that sent money for the cafeteria ladies!  You are very generous!  Some of you sent way more than necessary and we are very grateful.  I know money can be tight this time of year!  My family is dealing with job loss and I totally understand how hard this time of year can be for families.

Remember to bring the items assigned to you by Ms. Steele to the party tomorrow at 9:00 am.  The kids are excited and ready to party…and EAT!

I hope you enjoy your holidays!

December 11, 2017

We have a busy week and a half ahead of us!  Today is Christmas hat day, Wednesday is Pajama Day and Friday is dress as a Who or wear Red/Green.

Tomorrow will be the Reading Common Assessment and after the test, students may spread out around the room to read.  They may  bring books/blankets/pillows.

My homeroom still needs to bring $1.00 for the cafeteria worker that we are “adopting” for Christmas.  This money is due by Monday, Dec. 18th so we can give her the gift card on Tuesday.  As of now, we have no money collected.

Next week reminders:  Tuesday and Wednesday are early release days.  Wednesday is our party day!  Ms. Steele will be calling to assign you an item to bring for that day.

We have several students out sick today, so let’s use hand sanitizer and STAY WELL!

Nov. 8, 2017

Please make sure your child is reading each night and recording it on the reading log.  Each week I receive several logs that are incomplete.  The front and back must be filled out completely.  Students earn a free night off from reading when they turn in 4 reading logs complete.

Next week, I will not give out a reading log.  This is due to common assessment testing and it is my Thanksgiving gift to myself…not to have to check reading logs next Friday!

One more week of school and we are out a week!  We all have much to be thankful for!