May 6, 2019

Things to remember for the end of the year:

May 9th is the recorder concert at 9:00 am (students may leave after the concert)

May 12th and 13th,  Monday and Tuesday are STAAR test days

May 16th is DEAR Day in Reading class

May 17th is field trip to the Splash Pad (students may leave with parent from Splash Pad)

May 20th is 4th Grade reward field trip for learning Multiplication facts

May 21st is 4th Grade Awards (1/2 day) (Students may leave after awards)

May 22nd is last day of school (1/2 day)

January 22, 2019

Bottle Biographies are due Feb. 1st!  Your child should have brought home a letter explaining all the details for this activity.  If they haven’t, they can come get another from me.

They will be turning water bottles into a famous person and writing 5 sentences about that person on an index card.  I told them to look on pinterest for bottle biographies if they need ideas.

These bottles will be a grade in Social Studies and Reading.

Dec. 10, 2018

Remember if you want to help with the Christmas Party, please contact Maria Yosten at 903-413-1246.

Our party will be on Dec. 20th from 9 -10 am.  We will be having brunch, playing games, and opening our stockings.

Also, no Reading Logs will go home this week.


December 6, 2018

Tomorrow is game day for my Reading classes after working so hard for 2 days on their Common Assessment.  I am very proud of them for their hard work and dedication.

If you have not sent a stocking for your child for the Penny Christmas, please do so by next Wednesday, Dec. 12th.  That day we will begin passing out treats in our stockings, so we need all stockings here by then.  We have 20 students in our class, 11 girls and 9 boys, if you are wondering how many treats to send.

In planners, we have written down all the upcoming activities that I know of so far for the week of Dec. 17th-20th. Please look to see what is happening that week.


Dec. 3, 2018

On the letter I sent home about the Penny Christmas, I forgot to let you know how many girls and boys we have in class.  As of today, we have 11 girls and 9 boys.

We will be sending home notes and/or making phones calls about how you can help with our Christmas party.

Our party will be on Dec. 20th from 9-10 am.

Details to come soon.