March 19, 2020

After students read at home or listen to they can complete the following activities:

Summarize the story/chapters

Put the story in order

Compare themselves to a character

Write a letter to the author

Write a letter to a character

Illustrate the story/chapters

Make a playlist for the main character

Change the setting and discuss how the story would change

Make a list of character traits of all the characters

What is the theme/lesson of the story

Why do you think the author wrote the story

Find 5-10 new words in the story:  look them up in the dictionary, illustrate them, write sentences with them

Make a picture frame summary of the story

March 15, 2020


There will be information coming home soon about work for your children to do at home the next 2 weeks.  If you have access to a computer students can log in to and complete what I have assigned for them to do between now and March 31st. There are STAAR like passages and questions to complete.  Each class code is listed below:

Vineyard’s class code:  5slece

Wiley’s class code:  vtcnu2

Odom’s class code:   yy2wkj

Also is a great place for students to listen to some amazing stories.

Feb. 13, 2020

I just wanted to let you know of a few upcoming events.

Next Friday, Feb. 21st will be a DEAR Day in Reading.  Students may bring small blankets or a beach towel is perfect, a small pillow or stuffed animal and plenty of reading material.  I am encouraging them to read at least one biography that day.

Feb. 24th will be a Writing Benchmark day.

Feb. 26th is an early release day.

Feb. 28th is the due date for their Bottle Biographies.  If students need another note about that assignment, there are some hanging by my classroom door.

March 4th and 5th are Benchmark Math and Reading days.

March 6th will be another DEAR Day.  I am guessing after two days of testing and being the day before Spring Break that will be a GREAT time to relax and read during my class period!

All of my classes are working hard and getting ready for 5th grade!

Please continue to encourage them to read, read, read!

Jan. 6, 2020

4th Grade Awards Assembly will be held on Thursday, January 16th at 7:30 am.  Please feel free to come in the gym that morning and have a seat for the assembly.


Also, due to testing and a short week, there will be no Reading Log this week.

Thank you!

Dec.16. 2019

Remember to send a stocking and 21 items for stocking ASAP.  Students will open those stockings on Friday during the Christmas Party.

Our party will be at 9:00 am on Friday.  My room mother will contact you with information about what to bring.


October 23, 2019

Remember parents can only eat lunch with their children on Fridays.

Next week is RED Ribbon Week:

Monday – Wear Red

Tuesday – Team Jersey

Wednesday – 1/2 day, Dress like a storybook character

Thursday – Pajamas

Friday – Roughneck Colors